Edition 8

Thank you so much for warmly welcoming The Circular onto the literary scene. It’s our eighth week of circulation and we now have over five hundred subscribers. We can’t quite believe it ourselves!

We’re still taking reading recommendations for next week’s issue, which is themed ‘Your Favourite Things’. In the spirit of community, we thought it would be nice to end the year with an issue consisting entirely of people’s favourite online nonfiction reads. Write to editor@thecircular.com.au and tell us: What was your favourite online non-fiction read in 2021 and why? (It doesn’t have to have been published in 2021; it can be an interview, essay, graphic non-fiction piece, book review, non-fiction poem, etc.; and yes, our interest is Australian non-fiction but we do define 'Australian' in the loosest sense of the word.)

The selected participants will be credited for their recommendations unless they prefer to remain anonymous. Deadline: Tuesday 7 December 2021. And a big thank you to all the readers who’ve already written in!