
Q&A – The Hair and Make-up Artist: 'It All Changed with HD'
Back in the day, before there was social media, people would actually phone in to the network and say, 'What was wrong with her hair and make-up tonight? It was terrible.' I mean, don’t worry that she was trying to cover 9/11. Let’s just focus on the hair and make-up. Seriously!

The Gospel According to Angelina
'Don’t swear,' said Mum.
'Did ya tell that kid to piss off?' asked Dad.
'You have go to Sunday School,' said Mum.
'You don’t have to go to Sunday School,' said Dad.
'God is real,' said Mum.
'Nooooo he isn’t,' said Dad.
(Recommended supplementary reading: Hurley's essay for The Conversation, 'It's not funny to us – an Aboriginal perspective on political correctness and humour')