Running Dog
On 18 Letters I’ll Never Finish
'A letter outlining an argument. On the one side, I need to read it because I need to understand, and on the other, You don’t need to read it to know where you should be directing your gaze.
If I stare at this letter long enough a solution will reveal itself.
Disclaimer: a solution has not revealed itself.'
Indefinite Fidelity
We encounter these 'degraded' videos, which struggle to shuffle their blocky pixels into crisp, flat details, more frequently than not. And yet, instead of seeing their specific value, (or the beauty in these so-called low-quality images), we frame them as incomplete, signalling not their worth but their potential to be clearer and better.

Conspiring to Curate Conspiracies
Since all conspiracies are a potential threat, and we must also discuss them as cultural objects, then we must grapple with the dilemma of giving them a platform, which risks spreading or strengthening their fallacy. Thus, we face a problem in museum practices – for how can we collect, archive and display conspiracy theories for the museum-going public.

Looking for Carol Jerrems
'I try to reveal something about people, because they are so separate so isolated, maybe it’s a way of bringing them together,' she said in a 1977 interview for Men’s Vogue with Craig McGregor. 'I don’t want to exploit people. I care about them.'

Intimate Machines
I love the weird vulnerability and intimacy this piece creates, a sense of being in somebody else’s head, on somebody else’s computer.